In order to give back to our community, and to help gain some Corvair exposure, the club will try a new program in 2025.
Purpose: To encourage members to attend a larger variety of charity car shows in order to increase awareness of the Corvair and our club while also supporting the communities we live in.
The club will reimburse the entry fee for any Arizona charity car show for a member in good standing under these conditions: Only one reimbursement issued club-wide in any calendar month Reimbursement is for entry fee only, up to $50 maximum. Member to cover any balance due if entry is more than $50. Reimbursement is for basic entry only. Does not include T-shirts, raffle tickets, food, etc. Only one use per member/family per calendar year You must submit a photo of your vehicle at the show and include a very brief report of the event. This can be by an email to any officer or simply a post to the club’s Facebook page. Must be pre-approved in advance. Submit requests to any club officer. If multiple requests are received for one month, preference will be given to the event least likely to have any other Corvairs on display. Duplicate requests to attend the same show will be decided by earliest submittal date. The car show must clearly support a charity with their show proceeds.
Contact any club officer to take advantage of this offer.